Neighborhood Issues
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Click here for Neighborhood Schools (MHS, Colton and Monte Vista Schools)
Jean Rasch elected to City Council
Cielo Vista Dr. and Viejo Rd. Safety
Undergrounding utilities
Automatic License Plate Readers (ALPR cameras)
Pickleball at Via Paraiso Park
Cellular and Wireless
Quarry to Veterans Park Trail
NEW: Questions for MVNA (with answers)
MVNA members can email questions to the MVNA Board at anytime. We will compile all questions and periodically answer them here.
NOTE: All topics regarding MPUSD and the three schools within Monterey Vista are now on the new Schools Tab
Jean Rasch elected to City Council
Our own MVNA President was elected to City Council and sworn in on December 17th. She replaces Alan Haffa, also an MVNA member, who served 12 years on the council before stepping down. Leon Panetta was also present to swear in the Mayor, Tyller Williamson.
Cielo Vista Dr. and Viejo Rd. Safety
Monterey Police Department
Please be aware of a potentially dangerous situation on Cielo Vista Dr and Viejo Rd:
NEW: Sentenced to Prison (MC Weekly, Dec 2024)
and 8 years for two-year crime spree (Monterey Herald, Dec 2024)Evasive Monterey man arrested (Monterey Herald) and
Man with 14 warrants arrested after standoff with Monterey police (July 2024, KSBW)District Attorney’s office: “Defendant is not in custody. The no-bail warrants are still outstanding. I will follow up when I get more information.” May, 2024)
Attorney’s office: “I am writing to inform you that Leslie Flores violated his pretrial release by tampering with the electronic monitoring devise. The judge revoked pre-trial service conditions and issued bench warrants in all of the defendant’s cases. The court ordered “no bail” on the felony cases. So, he should be coming back in custody.” (Feb 2024)
A Monterey landlord finds himself in trouble for more than just moldy apartments (11/23/2023)
Monterey police arrest father and son suspected of having illegal firearms (11/18/2023)
Father and Son Arrested in Monterey for Illegal Firearms Possession (11/15/2023)
One by one, officials condemn blighted Monterey apartments (8/10/2023)
'It's just not safe': Dog killed, woman hospitalized after dog attack in Monterey (9/12/2020)
Wednesday morning traffic being brought to a crawl up Madison St,
Please avoid Madison, Herrmann and Larkin streets, M-F, 7:30-9am and 2:30-4pm.
Due to the closure of the Monterey High School entrance and parking lot off of Martin Street, all school drop-offs and pickups, as well as school buses, will be on lower Herrmann Dr.
Undergrounding utilities:
On June 6th, 2024, NCIP voted on a combined Undergrounding Program as their #2 priority!! See the NCIP tab for the updated project description. The City Council still needs to approve this year’s NCIP projects sometime in September.
NCIP receives three Undergounding Projects (see NCIP tab). The submitters are working to combine these into one project before voting night (May 2024).
Undergrounding Committee presents “Learn about Undergrounding: How to underground overhead utilities within Monterey, the urgency, the process and how to pay for it” at Hilltop Center and CONA Community Center.
Monterey City Council recognizes Undergrounding Committee and City Manager suggests NCIP invest $2M to get started (Feb 2024)
Monterey Undergrounding wants your opinion!!
Monterey Undergrounding has put together a survey of what residents want to do about Undergrounding out utilities, how important it is to them, and what they think about possible funding sources. Please read the background information on this page and then learn about funding options and then take the survey here. (October 2022)Undergrounding Committee (Since 2018)
Monterey Vista and Old Town Neighborhood Associations have formed an Undergrounding Committee to learn and educate residents and our elected officials about undergrounding utilities within our neighborhoods and throughout the City of Monterey. Increased safety, reliability and beauty are main drivers, yet funding is the obstacle that needs to be overcome. Check out their website here.Mayor Roberson pushes for undergrounding (July 12th, 2018)
Rancho Palos Verdes Underground Utilities in Residential Neighborhood
Dig Once Policies
This map shows our rated fire hazard where significant portions of our City’s neighborhoods are in the “Very High” and “High” fire hazard areas. Click here for original searchable map showing every house in California.
Wildfires are an increasing risk for most or California, including much of our Monterey Vista Neighborhood that is in a “Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone” as shown by all the houses in red on this map of MVNA. MVNA and NCIP have long been supporting fuel-reduction in our open spaces and encouraging undergrounding our overhead utilities.
Wildfire Management
Monterey, Pacific Grove, and Carmel-by-the-Sea created a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (Feb 2024).
How Vulnerable is the Monterey Peninsula to a Wildfire?
Article by Ray Meyers.
Firewise Communities
One direct effect is that Homeowner Fire insurance is rapidly increasing in cost, and even getting to be unaffordable to many new homeowners. To combat these significant price increases, Monterey could become a Firewise Community. MVNA had an excellent talk at our April Board meeting by MVNA member Jeanne Clark, who recently moved here from Nevada City that has done so. Her overview can be read here:
Gaudenz Panholzer talks about Fire Safety in Monterey (MVNA meeting June 2022)
Audio link and Video link
If you are interested in learning more and/or getting involved, please contact MVNA.
Automatic License Plate Readers (ALPR cameras)
Example of stationary ALPRs.
The City council has narrowly approved a request by the Police Department to install cameras within and around the City of Monterey to record license plates of cars passing them. Due to the tradeoffs between catching bad guys and privacy issues, the City looked to get feedback from residents.
Watch: City Council meeting from Nov 21st, 2023 and scroll to 3 hrs. and 56 minutes
Police Department puts in NCIP project to for Citywide ALPR License Plate Reader Cameras ($130k). See MN-01 near bottom of NCIP tab.
March 19, 2024 The follow-up Monterey City Council meeting to update and discuss ALPRs.
Monterey Police held two Town Hall Meetings to discuss Automated License Plate Readers (ALPR) on January 22 and February 8, 2024
Flock is Building a New AI-Driven Mass-Surveillance System (ACLU)
Pickleball at Via Paraiso Park
Aug 2022 Update: City finalized rules for Tennis and Pickleball at Via Paraiso Park
David Schmalz, The Monterey County Weekly
Pickleball has rapidly become popular across the US, as well as on the Monterey Peninsula. Since the game uses smaller courts, two pickleball games can generally be played on a single tennis court. As local games have increased over time (promoted by NCIP that funded painting Pickleball lines at Via Paraiso Park and the Monterey Pickleball Club with MVNA members), the games have become a staple at our beloved Via Paraiso Park. The increasing popularity of the sport has been met by pushback from nearby residents who object to the noise created by the hard balls and wooden paddles and when larger groups gather to play, as well as parking issues. This issue is also a national phenomenon, and will only be fully resolved when larger Pickleball facilities without nearby neighbors are built (e.g., like the successful Basketball court NCIP funded near the Coast Guard Pier). After petitions with many signatures on both sides of the issue were submitted to our Parks and Recreation Committee, the City offered to fund Mediation Sessions between residents on both sides of the issue to work out a compromise. With the help of a professional negotiator, a pilot agreement was reached that was on trial for several months and is now permanent.
Monterey High School Field improvements (2019-present)
Note: This item has been moved to the new Schools tab.
Cellular and Wireless:
The Monterey Vista Neighborhood Association (MVNA) strongly supported the majority of residents opposed to the 13 closely-spaced cellular antennas proposed by Extenet for Verizon within our neighborhood in September of 2017. The large number of residents that submitted comments to the City and spoke at multiple City meetings convinced the Planning Commission to deny these permits.
To avoid a repeat of this significant effort, the MVNA formed a Wireless Committee of dedicated residents to study the issue. The results of this work convinced the City Council to form an official Wireless Subcommittee to update Monterey's outdated Wireless Ordinance to better address future Telecom applications.
See latest updates on City website here
Links to documents and articles
re: Cellular Antennas within Monterey
Residential Cell Towers – The Science Behind the Concern?
By Ray Meyers - Monterey Vista Neighborhood Association Board Member
Wireless Subcommittee formed to study and revise Wireless Ordinance
(Meetings are open to the public)
Redrafting Monterey's Wireless Ordinance
Residents suggested edits to current Wireless Ordinance (May 2018)
Van Eaton's (city-hired attorney) suggested edits to current Wireless Ordinance (July 2018)
Effort to regulate cellular antennas in other cities:
Petaluma: Draft of new Ordinance
Links regarding cellular antennas in Monterey:
Overview of Verizon/Extanet application (Sept 2017)
Public comments re cellular antennas within Monterey Vista (Nov 2017)
(Note: The first comment was officially withdrawn by it's author)Presentation by Best Best & Krieger in PDF (city-hired attorney, June 2018)
Research and further reading
Captured Agency: How the FCC is dominated by the Industries It Presumably Regulated (Norm Alster)
National Toxicology Program (US Dept of Health and Human Services)
Center for Family and Community Health, School of Public Health, UC Berkeley
Sue Halpern (2019) The Terrifying Potential of the 5G Network, The New Yorker