Stay informed! Be involved!
Join the Monterey Vista Neighborhood Association!

The Monterey Vista Neighborhood Association is one of the City of Monterey neighborhood associations that represents its residents. Our goal is to preserve the quality and character of our neighborhood areas. Our services include review and comment on selected city programs, proposed ordinances, and building designs. We post on our website and, hold events for our members and the general public, and provide assistance to residents in resolving neighborhood concerns. Your membership gives us more power to speak about matters that effect our neighborhood with the City and other organizations.

Aug 2021 Update: MVNA will no longer charge annual dues!! We do, however, encourage donations to help us cover costs!
We suggest an annual donations are $10 per household to help cover expenses for things like website maintenance and meeting supplies.

MEMBERSHIP: To join, or check if you are already a member, just email your name(s), MVNA address and phone number to: (or snail-mail to the address below)
It’s that simple!! In order for us to serve you better, you can also let us know what’s important to you.

By sending us your name, address, phone number and consider furnishing us with an email address so that we can keep you up-to-date with neighborhood news and events. We will never share your contact information with any other organization or business.

Donations: Kindly make your check payable to MVNA, and mail to:

532 Herrmann Drive
Monterey, CA   93940

You may also donate online using the links below.

NOTE: There are now three levels to choose from, but we appreciate donations of any amount.

MVNA Suggested Annual Donation - Individual

Good for you, or a friend or neighbor.

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MVNA Suggested Annual Donation-Household

Good for your whole family or household!

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MVNA Annual Donation-Supporting Member

We appreciate your support and can honor you on our webpage if you desire.

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