MPUSD and Schools within Monterey Vista

NEW: This section is for information on MPUSD Schools within Monterey Vista

You can email questions to the MVNA Board at anytime.

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Monterey High School
Monte Vista School on the Colton Campus
(Formerly Walter Colton Middle School)
Monte Vista Elementary School
(currently houses a Preschool)
Neighborhood and Schools Collaborative (NSC)

Latest News:

Monterey High School

Wednesday morning traffic being brought to a crawl on Madison St.

  • MHS Back-to-School Night: Thursday, Aug 31st, 5:30-7pm (all neighborhood residents are invited)

stadium light.jpg

High School Field improvements (2019-present)

Note: From the beginning, MVNA felt that its role in the MHS stadium project was to make sure that the residents were informed.  We met several times with the district and we worked hard to get the district to do the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) which provides objective analysis of the project. As an organization we feel that we have done what we can to help the residents make informed decisions. Because we know there are residents on both sides of the issue the board has not taken a position and, at this time, does not plan to get involved. We are not parties in the law suit. Open communication, transparency and compromise are always the goal.

MHS Field Project Groundbreaking (April 2024)

Monte Vista School on the Colton Campus (Was Walter Colton Middle School)

  • All students to be combined into one TK-8 campus beginning Fall 2023

June 2023 Update: Facilities work continues at the new Monte Vista TK-8 campus (formerly Colton MS). Last summer, every classroom was updated with new paint, window coverings, lights and cabinetry, restrooms were remodeled, the campus exterior walls were painted, and a new playground structure was installed for “big kids.” Currently, the former locker room is being converted into a makerspace classroom and an art classroom, and the K-wing buildings are being completely renovated to accommodate 5 new TK and kindergarten classrooms. We hope that neighbors will join us for a tour of the modernized site sometime this fall. (per Amanda Whitmire)

Due to a declining student population, MPUSD is being forced to close schools across the district. Within MVNA, either Walter Colton Middle School or Monte Vista Elementary School will need to close, and all TK-8 students will be housed at the other school.
The current plan proposes that Monte Vista grow into a TK-8 (TK-7 in 22-23 and TK-8 in 23-24) and be located on the Colton campus.

On February 7th, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m., via ZOOM, the Monterey Vista Neighborhood Association Board will host the two MPUSD board members representing our area; Amanda Whitmire and Veronica Miramontes. Read minutes here.

Monte Vista School (The original campus)

  • Preschool Program to open in Monterey (Monterey Herald 1/5/24)

  • June 2023 Update: MPUSD is working toward opening two preschool classrooms at the old Monte Vista Elementary site this fall. There will be one state-subsidized classroom and one fee-based classroom. Class sizes will not exceed 24, and there will be 3 staff in each classroom (Lead and Associate Teachers, and an Early Learning Assistant). Teachers will be using the Creative Curriculum, which is also used in our Transitional Kindergarten (TK) classrooms and aligns with curricula used up through 3rd grade. To qualify for the state-funded classroom, a family of 4 must have an annual family income of $112,105 or less. We expect demand to exceed capacity and hope to expand our preschool program at this site in the future. MPUSD also offers preschool programs at the Marina and Seaside Child Development Centers. (per Amanda Whitmire)

  • 2022-2023: School hosts only Kindergarten and 8th grade classes while Colton Campus is being reconfigured for TK-8 beginning in fall 2023.

  • 2021-2022: This is the last year that Monte Vista School will host K-4. Only K will remain for one more year.

Neighborhood and Schools Collaborative, or NSC (2021-current)

MPUSD agrees to set up a regularly scheduled working committee to address school issues affecting our neighborhood, including responding to concerns and answering questions from residents. Monterey Vista residents can email with any issues to be brought up at our next meeting.
See the article describing the NSC in the Spring 2022 Edition of the MVNA Newsletter.
Please forward written questions for MPUSD for next meeting to