Use the above tabs for more information:
Neighborhood Issues: Pickleball, wireless policy, undergrounding utilities, public water, and more…
Schools: All about the three public schools within our neighborhood
Join-Donate: How to become a member and donate to keep us going
Events: List of special events, meetings, agendas and minutes
NCIP: Submit and check on all the projects submitted and their progress
Links: Websites for all sorts of useful information for residents
Contact: How to get ahold of us, and other important numbers
Community Climate Action and Adaptation Plan
MVNA Good Neighbor Recognition Program
Tell others about the good deeds and generosity of our neighbors!
See the Good Neighbor Tab above
MVNA hosted an evening of education about
About 100 residents attended and had all their questions answered
MVNA CWPP presentation - 8.12.2024
CWPP Handout
MVNA uses Nextdoor to distribute information to residents. Nextdoor is a a web portal and app (Android & iOS) that allows neighbors to communicate with each other. You will be propmpted to create an account with a username and password, and will be guided through a set-up process. More information and how sign up here.
Gaudenz Panholzer talks about Fire Safety in Monterey (from the June 2022 MVNA Board meeting): Check out the Audio link and Video links
MVNA’s Policy on Discrimination
It is the policy and practice of the MVNA to ensure equal opportunities without discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, national origin, genetic information or any characteristic protected by law.
Adopted by MVNA Board of Directors
Join the Monterey Vista Neighborhood Association
(now free!!)
MVNA is one of the City of Monterey neighborhood associations that represents its residents. Our goal is to preserve the quality and character of our neighborhood areas. Our services include review and comment on selected city programs, proposed ordinances, and building designs. We organize public events and discussions, and provide assistance to members in resolving neighborhood concerns. Members receive updates on important neighborhood news and events.
Stay in touch and join today!
NOTE: Existing members will automatically be renewed.
NEW: Monterey High School Monthly Neighborhood Newsletter
Monterey High School now has a monthly newsletter written for the neighborhood, with news and a list of events that may be of interest to neighbors. Read the January 2022 issue here. For more information, see the High School section on the Neighborhood Issues tab.
MVNA Board Meetings
Please feel free to attend one of our neighborhood association board meetings. We usually meet the first Monday of each month (with the exception of July and December, unless needed) in the Solarium Room of the Monterey Library from 6:00-8:00pm. NOTE: Since the pandemic, meetings are held on Zoom. Please contact us if you would like a Zoom invite or to suggest a discussion item to the Board for being added to our meeting agenda. Upcoming meeting schedule can be seen here.
Neighborhood & Community Improvement Program (NCIP)
Established in 1985, Monterey's Neighborhood & Community Improvement Program (NCIP) directs tourist-generated dollars directly back into the City's residential neighborhoods. Under a Charter Amendment, at least 16 percent of the money collected through hotel taxes (Transient Occupancy Tax) must be spent on neighborhood and community improvements. Learn more about our neighborhood's NCIP projects-in-progress and how to originate a project here! NOTE: Due to Monterey’s financial crisis, the City Council has cancelled funds for 2020 and 2021, They have also defunded approved projects not yet started.
July 2022 UPDATE: NCIP will receive ~$3M this fiscal year. For legal reasons, ALL projects previously funded and “deappropriated” projects, as well as any new projects, will need to be vetted and voted on all over again.
New: See all current MVNA project here
NEW: Undergrounding Committee (Monterey
Monterey Vista and Old Town Neighborhood Associations have formed an Undergrounding Committee to learn and educate residents and our elected officials about undergrounding utilities within our neighborhoods and throughout the City of Monterey. Increased safety, reliability and beauty are main drivers, yet funding is the obstacle that needs to be overcome. Check out their website here.
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Periodic classes are in the Community Room behind the firehouse and Police station (Pacific and Martin). Email for more information.
NEW: CERT Training May 2025 Click here for details.
Other links: