Dear Former Members of Monterey Vista Neighborhood Association,

We miss you and have a special offer for returning members of MVNA.

MVNA Mission Statement:

The Monterey Vista Neighborhood Association is one of the City of Monterey neighborhood associations that represents its residents. Our goal is to preserve the quality and character of our neighborhood areas. Our services include review and comment on selected city programs, proposed ordinances, and building designs. We post on our website and, hold events for our members and the general public, and provide assistance to residents in resolving neighborhood concerns

For half the usual membership dues, only $5.00 per family, you may renew your membership, effective until our yearly expiration date of August 31, 2020. You can then renew on or after 9/1/20 at the usual $10.00 per family rate that also includes admission for your entire family to our famous, annual MVNA members- only gourmet picnic in September, catered by MVNA for only $2.00 per person—kids under 12 free.

But don’t just join for the food. “Man does not live by bread alone.” Please read our mission statement to the right explaining a few of the many benefits that come with membership. The MVNA is made up of neighborhood residents just like you. We all have a stake in protecting the quiet enjoyment of our homes, promoting the health and safety of our environment, and preserving and improving the quality of life for all Monterey Vista residents. Our member elected board meets monthly, generally the first Monday of each month in the library at 6:00. We have open meetings and are here to help address any neighborhood related problems or issues you may have. Our annual BBQ Picnic at Paraiso Park provides a great opportunity to break bread with our neighbors and enjoy a wonderful gourmet meal together.

MVNA Annual Donation-Supporting Member

We appreciate your support and can honor you on our webpage if you desire.

…Or choose an extra year’s membership for only $15 good through August 2021
(which includes access to the 2020 Annual MVNA BBQ & Picnic):

MVNA Suggested Annual Donation-Household

Good for your whole family or household!

Or renew by mail w/ check, name, address and email address to: MVNA, 532 Herrmann Dr., Monterey, CA 93940

Yours truly, Hans Jannasch (Membership)